Classroom Resources

General Resources for 4th Grade

Language Arts Resources

Math Resources

Science Resources

Social Studies Resources

Continents and Oceans

Story to remember the Continents--

North America married South America and they went to Europe for their honeymoon. Soon after, they had quadruplets, who all had A names: Africa, Australia, Asia, and Antarctica.

Song to remember the Oceans (to the tune of Adams Family--

Oceans of Earth (snap, snap)

Oceans of Earth (snap, snap)

There's Pacific and Atlantic

Indian and Arctic

They all salt water

The four oceans of the Earth

Oceans of Earth (snap, snap)

Oceans of Earth (snap, snap)

Sheppard Software Continents Game

Soft Schools Continent Matching Game

Continents and Oceans Game

Five Oceans Song

7 Continents and 5 Oceans Song

KeyBoarding Resources

Proper Keyboarding Technique

Your fingers are curved.

Your feet are flat on the floor.

You fingers rest on home row.

Your eyes are on what you are copying, not the keyboard.

You are sitting up straight.

You are using the correct finger on each key.

Digital Citizenship & Coding Resources

Calming Resources

Calming Bitmoji Classroom- Morgret (1).pdf